Health Benefits of Tempeh

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Health Benefits of Tempeh

Tempeh is a fermented soy oil and a revolutionary product for those who pursue a vegetarian or plant-based diet. It is also an attractive source of protein for those seeking to shift toward a healthier plant-based diet. While tempeh is often misunderstood as tofu, tempeh is somewhat different. Tempeh is produced from soybeans, and components such as grains and legumes are also compressed and fermented together.

Tempeh is a fermented soy component that is a common substitute for meat for vegetarians. That may be a healthy complement to your diet, however, vegetarian or not. Tempeh is an adaptable product that comes with a range of health benefits, rich in calcium, prebiotics, and a large assortment of vitamins and minerals. This review would take a closer look at the various benefits of tempeh.

Health Benefits of Tempeh

The following are the important benefits of tempeh:

  • Rich in Prebiotics

The fermentation process comprises the bacteria and yeast deteriorating sugars. The phytic acid present in soybeans is decomposed by fermentation, which boosts the absorption of nutrients. Unpasteurized, fermented foods can include probiotics, which are healthy microbes that, when ingested, can bring beneficial properties.

Tempeh is therefore fermented with a fungus and is typically boiled before feeding. Also, they pasteurize consumer products. It includes small amounts of bacteria, for such reasons. Yet tempeh tends to be abundant in prebiotics and fiber forms that stimulate healthy bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract.

Studies have also shown that prebiotics improve short-chain fatty acid synthesis in the colon. These contain butyrate, which is the main energy supply for the cells lining the colon. Data shows that prebiotic diets induce positive improvements to the intestinal microbiota, the bacteria that live in the digestive tract.

  • Rich Source of Protein

Tempeh has a high protein content. Many studies indicate a protein-rich diet can promote thermogenesis, resulting in a rise in metabolic processes after each meal, allowing your body to burn a greater number of calories. A protein-rich diet can also assist in regulating appetite by boosting fullness and reducing hunger.

One research showed high-protein soy snacks increased the consistency of the appetite, satiation, and nutrition relative to high-fat snacks. The investigation also demonstrates that soy protein can be as efficient as meat-based protein when it comes to regulating the appetite.

  • Lowers the Levels of Cholesterol

Tempeh is primarily produced from soybeans, which possess components of natural plants known as isoflavones. Soy isoflavones have been related to lower cholesterol levels. One study looked at trials and observed that soy isoflavones greatly lowered both total and LDL cholesterol.

Further research investigated the impact of soy protein on cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations. Participants were given a one-month diet that contained either soy protein or livestock protein. While most studies currently focus on the impact of soy isoflavones and soy protein on cholesterol in the blood, one review centered exclusively on tempeh.

Animal research explored the impact of soybean tempeh fortified with nutrients on mice suffering from liver injury. It showed tempeh had a defensive effect on the liver and was able to counteract liver cell damage. Furthermore, tempeh induced both the cholesterol and triglyceride levels to fall.

  • Reduced Oxidative Damage

Studies also have shown that soy isoflavones also have antioxidant effects and can decrease systemic inflammation. Antioxidants function by neutralizing free radicals, chemically reactive atoms that can lead to chronic disease growth. The production of toxic free radicals has been related to many disorders, including diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Multiple experiments have indicated that isoflavones, by raising the body's antioxidant functioning, may decrease oxidant stress indicators. Other studies also have shown that soy isoflavone supplementation may have a beneficial impact on many oxidative stress-induced diseases.

For instance, one animal study found that soybean isoflavones in rodents with diabetes lowered blood glucose levels. In specific, tempeh can be helpful compared with other soy products.  One research related soybean isoflavones to tempeh isoflavones and noticed that tempeh had a higher antioxidant functioning.

  • Supports Weight Loss

If you're trying to shed weight or just keep in shape for summer, you probably should try taking a shot at tempeh. Upgrading protein consumption is a must when adopting a weight management diet; findings indicate that protein can help stimulate fullness sensations, decrease appetite, and improve metabolism to maintain weight loss.

The research evaluated the benefits of either soy protein or meat-based protein in a higher protein diet. Intriguingly, both diets have shown comparable outcomes to lose weight and appetite reduction, indicating vegetarian diets could be just as successful in weight maintenance.

  • Rich in Antioxidants

One of the advantages of top tempeh is its excellent antioxidant material. Antioxidants are strong compounds that can help suppress free radicals and prevent oxidative cell harm. Any study has shown that antioxidants can play a vital role in health and well-being, adding that free radicals may lead to chronic diseases such as cardiac failure, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.

The soy isoflavones contained in tempeh function in the body as antioxidants to help combat free radical harm. In particular, one study showed that the tempeh isoflavones were more efficient than those present in soybeans when free radicals were scavenged, showing that including tempeh to your diet may be a great alternative to reduce systemic inflammation.

  • Enhances Bone Health

Tempeh is a rich source of calcium, a mineral that is important for preserving solid and healthy bones. Sufficient calcium consumption may prevent osteoporosis, a disease synonymous with bone deterioration and weak bones, from developing.

Studies suggest that expanding calcium consumption in children and adolescents may help improve bone development and density. While dairy products are the most popular calcium suppliers, studies have shown that calcium in tempeh is processed and calcium in milk, rendering it an outstanding choice to improve calcium absorption.

  • Cancer Preventive Properties

Quite a few studies have shown that the soy isoflavones found in tempeh can help to prevent cancer. Breast and ovarian cancer incidence are considerably higher in the U.S. and many European nations than Asia, as per one study.

Even though it's uncertain why this could be precise, the publication's authors mention that many Asian countries eat higher quantities of soy products, including tempeh, that might play a part. Further investigation is required to determine whether tempeh itself may have some cancer-fighting effects, particularly if eaten in regular amounts of food.

That being said, one study reported that in premenopausal women, infusing rich isoflavones with a soy protein powder modified their estrogen metabolism and synthesis. This implies that soy isoflavones, particularly for hormone-sensitive types of cancer, may exert cancer-preventive benefits.

Nutritional Value of Tempeh (100 grams)




59 grams


19 grams


9 grams


11 grams


4 grams

Calories in Tempeh and their Recommended Daily Intake

There are 193 calories in 100 grams of tempeh, and the recommended daily intake is 3 ounces.

Ways to Consume Tempeh

If you're feeling curious, a tempeh starter culture can also be used to think about preparing tempeh at home. There are loads of comprehensive YouTube tutorials for preparing homemade tempeh from the start, but this usually includes soaking, separating, boiling the soybeans, and fermenting for up to two days.

Even though you can eat tempeh, it is generally low in taste and not advised in general. Luckily, recipes such as baked tempeh, sautéed tempeh, and pan-fried tempeh are simple, convenient, and delectable. From baked tempeh to Barbecued tempeh to grilled tempeh and beyond, there are several ways to cook tempeh in your favorite meals to start loving it.

Start incorporating crumbles of pan-fried tempeh from your next salad for a little extra spice and flavor. Conversely, attempt to add crispy tempeh to stir-fries, burgers, or wraps to pump up both your meal's nutritious value and therapeutic properties.

Side Effects of Tempeh Consumption

Tempeh is usually deemed healthy for most people alongside other fermented soy products. Any people may, however, want to reconsider restricting their tempeh intake. Those suffering from soy allergy should stop tempeh entirely. Eating tempeh may cause an allergic reaction to those allergic to soy, which could entail indications such as hives, inflammation, or breathing difficulties.

Soybeans have often labeled a goitrogen, a component that may conflict with thyroid functioning. While studies have shown that soy consumption has little to no impact on thyroid function, people with compromised thyroid function may want to limit intake.

Final Word

Tempeh is a nutrient-rich soy food with elevated protein content, as well as rich vitamins and minerals. Tempeh is not only delicious and easy to eat, but it is also filled with calcium, manganese, magnesium, and riboflavin together with a number of antioxidants.

It can also help encourage weight loss and has been correlated with a variety of tempeh advantages such as increased heart health, healthier bones, and faster digestion. The people with a soy allergy or compromised thyroid function can also restrict their tempeh consumption and other soy-based products. But tempeh is, for the most part, a flexible and healthy food that can be an outstanding contribution to your everyday diet.


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