Is Fatigue A Symptom Of Depression?

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Does depression cause fatigue? Yes, Depression that can make someone feel extremely tired, even when someone has slept whole night. But it should be noted that it can also cause chronic fatigue syndrome. There is possibility of having depression and Chronic Fatigue at the same time.

Depression occurs when a person feels sad, anxious, or hopeless for a prolonged period of time. People who are facing depression often have sleep problems. They may sleep too much or not sleep at all. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition that causes a person to have nonstop feelings of fatigue. These feelings of fatigue are without any underlying cause. Sometimes chronic fatigue syndrome has a misdiagnosis as depression. (1)

In this article we will discuss an unfortunate condition in which depression can cause severe fatigue. All reasons will be described why do depression causes severe fatigue. More likely, how this fatigue should be treated?

Patients generally regard fatigue as important (because it is disabling), whereas doctors do not (because it is diagnostically non-specific). This discrepancy is a potent source of potential difficulty in the doctor-patient relationship.

However fatigue may present in association with recognized situations like medical and psychiatric or be idiopathic. Irrespective of cause, it has a major impact on day to day functioning and quality of life.

Without treatment, the projection of patients with idiopathic fatigue is surprisingly deprived; half those seen in general practice with fatigue are still fatigued 6 months late. Moreover unfortunately, people with chronic fatigue syndrome may become depressed. While depression doesn’t cause chronic fatigue syndrome, it can definitely cause increased fatigue.

Person that have chronic stage of fatigue disordered have sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea. These conditions often make fatigue worse because they prevent people from getting a good night’s rest. When people feel tired, they may not have the motivation or energy to do their daily activities.

Like a marathon toward walking to the mailbox it happens. The lack of desire to do anything can put them at risk for developing depression. Depression is fueled by fatigue. People with depression often feel very tired and as a result don’t want to take part in any actions. (1)

A symptom like fatigue is caused by depression and it make the simplest activities such as getting out of bed, too difficult to manage.

By 2018 details, tiredness affect above 90 percent of people along main depressive confusion. Person with sadness are greatly to incident tiredness, or person with constant tiredness are added possible to develop into miserable, create a sequence that can be firm to crack.

Possible causes of sadness tiredness comprise sleep harms, diet, anxiety and even the medication second-hand to delight sadness. (2)

A vicious cycle is viewed by the depression and fatigue .Fatigue can be a symptom of major depression, and fatigue can be a risk factor for depression.1 For example, the association of fatigue along with a general medical situation and any brain injury leads to a risk factor for developing major disorder that is MDD.

However, it is not surprising that fatigue is studied as a precursor of relapse following response to treatment in patients with major depressive disorder. Despite the observed association between fatigue and depression, their underlying relationship often is unclear.

The journalism does not distinguish among fatigue connected with depression, fatigue as a treatment-emergent adverse effect, and fatigue as a residual symptom of depression that is incompletely receptive to treatment. Moreover for complication, many medications are used to cure MDD can cause fatigue. (3)

The patients that have severe chronic fatigue that occurs in them as a major complaint, only a small proportion will be suffering from a recognized medical disease. In no more than 10% of patients possessing this fatigue that is included in primary care-disease cause found.

Moreover this rate is even less in patients that is included secondary care. Fatigue is a major symptom of many psychiatric disorders, but for a substantial proportion of patients with fatigue the symptom remains mysterious or idiopathic.(4)

Fatigue, common complaint, not only from medical and psychiatric patients but it also has its number in the community.

The 1984 Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA) learning of the nationalized Institutes of Health (NIH) reflect a existing tiredness occurrence of 6.7 percent and a life span occurrence of 24.4 percent; in a study of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 13.29 percent report tiredness, in a review conduct in Great Britain by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, tiredness was the majority ordinary anxious indication with a occurrence of 27%.

Many people correlate their tiredness with a mental constituent. In a British study of over 15,000 people in the society, almost 60 percent qualified their tiredness to psychosocial or psychological causes.

Weakness is a general present symptom in depression and dysthymia. In the Depression Research in European Society (DEPRES) study, which spanned six European countries, 73 percent of people with depression reported tiredness.

In an Italian study of 512 patients with dysthymia with no main depression, investigators establish that tiredness was the majority general indication supplementary miserable temper (96% of cases). Tiredness shows a physically powerful connection with the depressive condition.

An American study, comparing miserable and no miserable women, found that tiredness had sympathy of 77 percent and specificity of 84 percent for the analysis of main depressive confusion. (5)



















1.         Depression and Fatigue: An Unfortunate Connection [Internet]. Healthline. [cited 2020 Jun 20]. Available from:

2.         Depression and fatigue: How to cope [Internet]. [cited 2020 Jun 20]. Available from:

3.         Fatigue after depression responds to therapy. What are the next steps? [Internet]. [cited 2020 Jun 20]. Available from:

4.         Sharpe M, Wilks D. Fatigue. BMJ. 2002 Aug 31;325(7362):480–3.

5.         Marin H, Menza MA. Specific Treatment of Residual Fatigue in Depressed Patients. Psychiatry Edgmont. 2004 Sep;1(2):12–8.



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