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You've certainly heard this again and again: drinking plenty of water could help you lose a lot of weight. But does water actually help with weight loss? The simple answer is yes. Drinking water helps improve your metabolism, cleanse the body from waste, and serves as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water makes your body avoid storing water, helping you to lose some extra pounds of weight.

We all agree that drinking water is incredibly necessary. It helps preserve the body's fluid levels, gives some support to the muscles, keeps your eyes and your mouth moist, and eliminates waste. More specifically, it serves to control the temperature of our bodies. We know how essential it is and needs to be followed to aid weight loss.  After all, there is an explanation of why fitness advisors across the globe are promoting more water intake to help their clients meet their weight loss targets.

Drinking water is probably one of the most forgotten daily activities, but if you knew it was going a long way to hold the stubborn fat away, you might look at it differently.

What do you have to do to ascertain that you drink the necessary 8 to 10 ounce glasses a day to get you hydrated and promote weight loss?

Drink ice cold water

According to research, drinking ice cold water significantly improves your metabolism, so your system has to work hard to warm up water, therefore losing more calories and promoting weight loss. Plus, cold ice water is just so much more soothing than room temperature water.

Constant workout

Since drinking water helps in preventing muscle spasms and helps to keep the joints moisturized, you could perhaps constantly take a walk out. This is just another method that staying hydrated leads to weight loss.

Take adequate water

Whenever you really want the water you drink to help with weight loss, you should adopt the "8x8" guideline prescribed by most nutritionists: Drink eight 8-ounce cups of water per day for losing weight to sustain ideal body weight. You may also need to drink plenty of water if you exercise regularly or sweat a lot. Perhaps, you drink less water or other liquids such as herbal tea (try to ensure they are decaffeinated).

Notice that the volume of water you require depends on your size, weight, and physical activity level. Hence, try to drink half a glass of water for every pound you weigh daily.

How would you know if you're drinking enough water?

The general principle is to use the toilet after you've been to the shower.

You'll know that you're well-hydrated whether your urine is transparent or really light yellow. The darker your pee, the more water you have to drink, particularly if you want to lose weight. Drinking water has been believed to promote weight loss for a long time. In reality, 30–59 percent of U.S. adults that wanted to lose weight increase their water intake. Many experiments have shown that drinking plenty of water will aid weight management.

Drinking-Water Will burn more calories.

Drinking water lowers the number of calories you consume, known as rest energy consumption. Relaxing energy consumption in adults has been found to rise by 24–30 percent after 10 minutes of drinking water. It will last about 60 minutes.

In favor of this, research on overweight children showed a 25% rise in resting energy consumption after drinking cold water.

A survey of overweight women explored the impact of a rise in water consumption by more than 1 liter (34 oz) a day. They observed that over a 12-month cycle, this resulted in an overall weight loss of 2 kg (4.4 lbs). Since these individuals did not make any dietary changes other than to drink additional water, these findings are very remarkable.

In comparison, both of these experiments demonstrate that consuming 0.5 liters (17 oz) of water results in an additional 23 calories being consumed. This amounts to about 17,000 calories a year — or more than 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of weight. Several other reports have tracked overweight people who have been drinking 1-1.5 liters (34–50 oz) of water daily for a few weeks.

There was a substantial decrease in weight, body mass index (BMI), hip circumference, and body fat.

Such effects can be much more surprising if the water is cold. When you take cold water, your body requires extra calories to heat the water up to body temperature.


Drinking 0.5 liters (17 oz) of water could well boost the number of calories burned for at least one hour. Few trials have shown that this will lead to moderate weight loss.

Drinking water before meals can reduce appetite.

Some people believe that drinking water well before food reduces hunger. There appears to be some reality to this, but almost only in middle-aged and older people.

Since water is an appetite suppressant, drinking before meals will make you feel better and thus minimize the quantity of food you consume. Health studies suggest that drinking water before meals leads to an effective reduction in consumption of 75 calories for every meal. Drinking water before only one meal a day will allow you to eat 27,000 fewer calories a year. Do the math: you'd lose about eight pounds a year from drinking water! Now imagine if you were to drink it first before each meal.

Studies in older people have also shown that before each meal, drinking water can increase the losing weight by 2 kg (4.4 lbs) over a 12-week span. In one research, middle-aged overweight and obese participants who drank water before each meal lost 44 percent more weight individuals who did not drink enough water.

Another research also found that the amount of calorie consumption during the meal was decreased by 13 percent by consuming water before breakfast. While this could be somewhat helpful for middle-aged and elderly people, younger adults' tests have also seen the same remarkable decrease in calorie consumption.

Drinking further water is associated with decreased calorie consumption and a lower chance of weight gain.

Since water is naturally calorie-free, it is commonly associated with reduced calorie consumption. This is mostly because you drink water instead of other foods, which are also high in calories and sugar.

Observational tests have found that, on average, people who drink more water have up to 9 percent (or 200 calories) of lower calorie intake. Drinking water can also help reduce long-term weight gain. In total, the average human gains roughly 1.45 kg (3.2 lbs) every four years.

It is particularly important to motivate children to drink water because it will help deter them from being overweight or obese.

A new school-based research aimed at lowering obesity rates by urging children to drink water. They installed taps in 17 schools and offered lessons on water use for 2nd and 3rd graders.

After one academic year, the incidence of obesity was decreased by a total of 31 percent in schools where water consumption was raised.


Drinking more water will reduce calorie intake and reduce the risk of long-term weight gain and obesity, particularly in children.

Water helps eliminate body wastes.

If the body is dehydrated, it can not adequately extract waste, such as urine or feces. Water helps the kidneys absorb contaminants and waste as the liver preserves vital nutrients and electrolytes. The kidneys hold moisture while the body is dehydrated.

Dehydration can also lead to stiff or lumpy stools and constipation. Water prevents waste flowing by softening or loosening of rigid stools.

Water even helps the body heal from stomach issues, such as diarrhea and indigestion. As waste piles up in the body, people can feel bloated, sore, and exhausted. Bloating will add inches to the waist of a human.

Staying hydrated is a safe way to reduce waste accumulation, which can carry a few additional pounds.

Drinking water will minimize the total consumption of liquid calories.

Water is a calorie-free substitute for soft drinks or juices.

It's quick to collect liquid calories by consuming soda, milk, or sweetened coffee or tea. Some people often disregard how much calories they eat in athletic drinks or alcoholic beverages.

Replacing even a few high-calorie beverages regularly with water or other non-calorie beverages, such as herbal tea, can have long-term weight loss effects.

Researchers found that swapping two or maybe more high-calorie drinks with non-caloric drinks each day for six months results in an overall weight loss of between 2 and 2.5% for overweight women.

In another study, female participants consumed 250 mL of water every day after lunch while required to attend a twenty-four-week weight loss event. They ended up losing 13.6 percent more weight than the women in the same study who consumed the same amount of dietary liquids during lunch.

A large-scale survey found that men and women who; substituted one serving of sugar-sweetened drink with water; or a low-calorie drink per day for four years got 0.49 kilograms (kg) less than a comparable population who did not make any improvements. The same study showed that adults who substituted at least one helping of fruit juice with water or a low-calorie drink got 0.35 kg much less than their counterparts.

Ditch the sodas and juices and substitute them with water to help with weight loss. If you think the water is bland, put a slice of lemon. A glass of water with lemon is a formula for good weight loss since pectin in lemons helps to minimize food cravings. Think water doesn't necessarily promote weight loss? Give up those sugary drinks for a couple of weeks and see the differences.

Water is required to burn fat.

Without water, the body cannot efficiently metabolize accumulated fat or carbohydrates. The mechanism of fat synthesis is called lipolysis. The first phase of this process is hydrolysis, which happens as water molecules bind with triglycerides (fats) to produce glycerol and fatty acids.

Drinking enough water is important for burning fat from food and drink, as well as stored fat. A mini-review indicates that greater water consumption resulted in increased lipolysis and loss of fat in participants body.

Drink water and cut the salt intake to reduce the weight of the water.

Lowering the number of dietary salt, you eat will help you lose your body weight quickly, especially combined with an increase in water's daily intake.

Try many flavors and spices instead of salt. Fresh herbs or garlic do not have adverse health effects and can be introduced to many foods' taste.

If a brand offers a low-sodium alternative, choose that one. This is a simple way to enjoy the food you love without the need for salt.

Sodium content is not always simple, so review the nutrition label. Canned and frozen veggies are high in salt, as are most restaurant meals. Most restaurants are now posting nutrition information online, so you can find it out before ordering.

Try a fast detox diet that focuses on consuming water flavored with fruits and veggies.

Consider buying many vegetables and fruit to imbue in your water, such as cucumbers, melons, tomatoes, mint leaves, and other spices, citrus fruits, apples, and pineapples.

Try buying glasses with lids, such as mason jars or tumblers, with paws attached. You should make personal water at once and put it in your refrigerator.

Vegetables and fruit must be as fresh as possible as the water must be. If the fruit and vegetables begin to mature, throw them away, and restock them. Be careful not to add any sugar or other sweetener, although it might be enticing. If you like to add various spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, that's perfect. Stop something that facilitates the accumulation of liquids, such as salt or calories.

Take off the rinds of each citrus fruit to prevent bitter tastes and give your preferred taste.

It is better kept in the refrigerator, but it can be kept at room temperature for up to a day.

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