Proven Health Benefits Of Cinnamon Essential Oil

Posted by Wen Dan Jiang on

Cinnamon Essential Oil: Proven Benefits and Uses

Cinnamon essential oil is obtained from the bark, as well as the leaves of a cinnamon tree, which grows in Madagascar, Seychelles, India and Sri Lanka. Both varieties of oil have a unique cinnamon aroma, sweet-spicy with subtle notes of cloves. But they are different in color and chemical composition. The oil extracted from the bark of the tree is dark brown and from the leaves a golden yellow hue. (Dwijatmoko, 2016)

Cinnamon oil and its use

Both substances contain cinnamaldehyde, an element known for its irritating and, in some cases, toxic properties. In its composition, there is also eugenol - a substance of the phenol class. It is a traditional component of antiseptic agents and analgesics. According to Jumbo, Faroni, Oliveira, Pimentel, & Silva (2014), the following are the main usage of cinnamon essential oil:

Perfume Industry

Eugenol is also used in the perfume industry. Essential oil synthesized from the bark contains up to 70% cinnamaldehyde. In the oil obtained from leaves, eugenol predominates - its content in it is 80-90%, while the amount of cinnamaldehyde is very small - about 5%.

Use in home

For home use, treatment of various ailments, health promotion, skin and hair care, phytotherapists most often advise using cinnamon leaf oil. Therefore, when purchasing a product, do not be too lazy to clarify the method of its production. When using, strictly follow the instructions. Keep in mind that cinnamon oil, especially extracted from tree bark, is far from harmless. In aromatherapy, it is known as one of the most aggressive and highly allergenic products.

Mixed with other essential oils

Cinnamon oil is rarely used in its pure form. It must be mixed with other essential oils: orange, pine, juniper, cloves, patchouli, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint. As well as base oils - for example, almond, peach. If desired, the base oil can be replaced with honey or whole milk. Cinnamon oil is usually consumed externally and very rarely orally. You must use a high-quality product, and its packaging must bear the label "I" (Internal).

During Pregnancy

Cinnamon oil is contraindicated during pregnancy, with epilepsy, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon Essential Oil

Not all people know that this fragrant spice contains a large number of substances useful to the body. According to Hosseini, Razavi, & Mousavi (2009) following are the health benefits of cinnamon essential oil:

Effective antibacterial

Due to the content of eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, tannins, starch and resins, cinnamon oil has established itself as an effective antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, astringent, warming and restorative agent.

Flu and cold

It is well used to relieve unpleasant symptoms in colds, flu, and some infectious diseases.

Skin Diseases

It is also used to treat skin diseases: fungal infections, papillomas, warts, scabies.

Reduces stress

Cinnamon oil is considered a natural antidepressant and an excellent tonic. If you are tired, tense, in constant stress, try to take baths with cinnamon oil regularly. You can also inhale the cinnamon aroma by adding a few drops of essential oil to a special aroma lamp.

Enhances brain activity

Researchers from Wheeling Jesuit University in the United States during the experiment found that the smell of cinnamon enhances brain activity. Participants in the study, regularly inhaling the aroma of cinnamon oil, significantly improved their cognitive abilities - attention, memory, including visual, as well as motor skills.

Participants in the experiment noted that their level of anxiety and nervous tension decreased, and stress resistance increased.

Improves digestion

Cinnamon oil improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juice. It effectively relieves spasms, alleviating the condition with intestinal infections, colitis, gastritis, diarrhea, as well as increased gas formation.

Improves blood circulation

The ability to improve blood supply and blood circulation makes cinnamon oil a valuable component of warming massage creams, indispensable for sports. Such drugs prepare the muscles for the upcoming loads, relieve tension and prevent injuries. Cinnamon oil is also used in the treatment of bruises and rheumatism.

Some Cinnamon Oil Recipes

Cinnamon oil will help relieve stress, anxiety, increase immunity and add vitality. However, remember that if you suffer from a chronic disease, or if you have a tendency to allergies, then consult your doctor before carrying out procedures using essential oils.

Bath for relieving anxiety and nervous tension

 Mix 5-8 drops of cinnamon essential oil with a teaspoon of base oil (almond , peach, olive, etc.) or whole milk, add to the bath.

To eliminate bad breath

Mix 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil and 10 drops of orange essential oil. Add the resulting mixture to half a teaspoon of honey. Then add 120 g of pure water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Irrigate the oral cavity twice a day, after shaking the spray.

Spray to stimulate the immune system

Mix 20 drops of cinnamon essential oil, 60 drops of ginseng root essential oil and 120 g of pure water. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture from time to time around the room. Especially useful in the cold season - the season of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Massage against stress

Mix 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil (from the leaves), 4 drops of lemon balm essential oil, 4 drops of chamomile essential oil, 4 drops of essential fennel oil, 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil (from the bark), 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 1 drop of lavender essential oil. Mix the resulting mixture of essential oils with 1 tablespoon of base oil (almond, peach, etc.). Use the mixture to massage the shoulders and back of the neck 6 hours before a stressful event or 6 hours after it.

First apply a little mixture to a small area of ​​the skin to make sure that the mixture does not cause allergies.

A refreshing mixture so as not to fall asleep while driving

Mix 110 drops of peppermint essential oil, 35 drops of cinnamon essential oil (from the bark), 35 drops of lime essential oil, 20 drops of patchouli essential oil, and 120 g of pure water. Use the resulting mixture for the diffuser in the machine. Store the mixture in a dark glass container.

Against pathogenic viruses

Add 6 drops of cinnamon essential oil, 6 drops of pine essential oil, 5 drops of juniper essential oil, 3 drops of clove essential oil to a ceramic, marble or glass aroma lamp.


Dwijatmoko, M. I. (2016). Effect of cinnamon essential oils addition in the sensory attributes of dark chocolate. Nusantara Bioscience, 8(2), 301-305. doi:10.13057/nusbiosci/n080227

Hosseini, M., Razavi, S., & Mousavi, M. (2009). Antimicrobial, Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Chitosan-Based Films Incorporated With Thyme, Clove And Cinnamon Essential Oils. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 33(6), 727-743. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2008.00307.x

Jumbo, L. O., Faroni, L. R., Oliveira, E. E., Pimentel, M. A., & Silva, G. N. (2014). Potential use of clove and cinnamon essential oils to control the bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, in small storage units. Industrial Crops and Products, 56, 27-34. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.02.038

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