Top Fibrous Carbs Food

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Top Fibrous Carbs Food Lists

What are the top fibrous carbs food lists? Carbs or carbohydrates are one of the three main macronutrients that our body needs for sustaining and growth. Moreover, they are a primary source of energy and provide instant energy to the body on consumption. In this article, we will explain the top fibrous carbs food lists.

Types of Carbs

Before moving on to the fiber-containing food list, let's look at the types of carbs. In this way, you will be able to understand it in a better way. There are three types of carbs. These are:

  1. Fibrous Crabs:

This type of carbs contains a high content of fibers. As a result of which they can slow the conversion of carbs into glycogen. Moreover, they help maintain a constant blood sugar level to keep you alert throughout the day.

  1. Simple Carbs:

This form of carbs is simple sugars, and they can quickly convert to provide instant energy in your body. Consequently, it has a direct impact on the rise and fall of your blood sugar level.

  1. Complex Carbs:

This form of carbs is present in starchy food like pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread. It also has a direct effect on blood sugar levels. A rise in blood sugar levels can cause an increase in the insulin level as well. However, with high insulin production, it can also result in high-fat storage.

12 Top Fibrous Carbs Food Lists

Below is the list of top fibrous foods:

  1. Flax Seeds:

Flax seeds are full of nutrition and contain the highest content of fibers with a low carb percentage. Flax seeds contain 10 grams of fiber per ounce and only 2 grams of carbs. Moreover, they are high in both soluble and insoluble fibers. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fibers. In contrast to omega-3 fatty acids, they have a low percentage of omega-6 fatty acids. The good thing is you can easily add flax seeds in your diet to enjoy its excellent benefits. Besides, it can help to reduce the risk of several chronic diseases.

  1. Chia Seeds:

Apart from flaxseed, chia seeds are the one that contains the highest level of fiber content. There is almost 6 gram of fibers per two tablespoons and 0 gram of net carbs. Moreover, besides fibers content, chia seeds are also loaded with proteins and various other minerals and vitamins. According to research, chia seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids. On dissolving in liquid, they will turn into a gel to use as a vegan egg replacement. Moreover, you can also add them to salads, yogurt, and smoothies as a topping.

  1. Avocado:

Avocado comes with a unique buttery texture and is rich in healthy fats. It contains 5 grams of fiber per serving and 5 grams of carbs. Although it is food, many people consume avocado as a vegetable in numerous dishes. It is rich in monounsaturated fats and is an excellent source of potassium, follate, vitamin C, and K. Avocados are good for eye health. They are also known to lower cancer risk.

  1. Almonds:

Almond is another top fibrous carb food that contains 4 grams of fiber and 3 grams of net carbs. They are a popular tree nut loaded with healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins like vitamin E, minerals, including magnesium and manganese. Besides, they are also an excellent source of proteins and fiber, giving you a feeling of fullness and weight loss. Besides, the best thing about almonds is that they contain zero sodium and zero cholesterol. It is an excellent plant-based source of protein.

  1. Blackberries:

Everyone loves to eat sweet, tart, and delicious blackberries in summers. They contain 8 grams of fiber per cup and 6 grams of carbs. Blackberries are an excellent source of nutrition boasting more than 30 percent of daily value with just one cup for vitamin C. Besides, when it comes to fruits rich in antioxidants, berries successfully make their place in the list. Regular consumption of blackberries can reduce the risk of chronic inflammation, cancer, and heart diseases. Those who are on a weight loss diet can use blackberries as a snack.

  1. Raspberries:

Another delicious yet healthy and nutritious fruit rich in fiber from the berries family is raspberries. They contain 8 grams of fibers per cup and 7 grams of carbs. Although raspberries are low in calories, they contain numerous vitamins and minerals. One cup of raspberries can fulfill 41 percent of the daily value of manganese and 50 percent daily value of vitamin C. Just like blackberries; raspberries are also rich in antioxidants. You can consume them as a snack, fruit, add in yogurt, or baked into desserts.

  1. Pistachio:

Pistachios are among the favorite nuts of many and are present as a popular nut since 6000 BC. However, keep in mind that pistachios are a fruit, but many people treated them as a nut. They are popularly consumed in various dishes like desserts, including ice creams and cakes. It contains 3 grams of fiber per ounce and 5 grams of carbs. Pistachios are an excellent source of plant-based proteins and fibers to stay fit and healthy. They contain 90 percent of the unsaturated cholesterol-free fat. Moreover, it contains vitamin B6, which is essential for forming hemoglobin and blood sugar regulation.

  1. Wheat Bran:

The outer layer of the grain wheat known as wheat bran is made of insoluble fiber. Keep in mind that it contains a type of fiber that cannot dissolve and thus bulks up the stool. As a result of which it can help with the bowel movement. It contains 6 grams of fiber and 4 grams of carbs. So, you can consume any form of food made with wheat bran, including whole-grain bread, brown rice, high-fiber breakfast cereals, whole-grain baked bread, and whole-wheat pasta. It is rich in various minerals and vitamins.

  1. Cauliflower:

Cauliflower, Red Cabbage, Savoy

Anyone who is on a low-carb diet or understands the low-carb diet is familiar with the excellent benefits of cauliflower. It contains 2 grams of fiber per cup and 3 grams of carbs. You can consume it as a grain substitute or make it into a low carb pizza crust. Moreover, it is an excellent source of choline, an essential part of liver and brain health. Besides, it is also used in metabolism and DNA synthesis. Cauliflower makes a perfect substitute for traditional wheat-based foods. It is also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

  1. Broccoli:

The next food on the list is broccoli, which is considered as a popular cruciferous vegetable. It is high in numerous essential nutrients. One cup of raw broccoli contains 2 grams of fiber and 3 grams of net carbs. Although it has low calories, it still contains a high percentage of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and K and potassium, and folate. Moreover, when it comes to protein percentage, it has more percentage of protein than other vegetables. You can either enjoy it raw, cooked or steamed to enjoy its excellent health benefits.

  1. Asparagus:

Asparagus is another popular springtime vegetable available in numerous colors like green, purple, and white. It contains 3 grams of fiber per cup and 2 grams of net carbs. Moreover, it contains a high percentage of vitamin K thus fulfilling 46 percent of daily value with just one cup. You can either consume it as cooked or add raw asparagus to salads and veggie platters. Besides, it can also contain folate and is healthy to consume during pregnancy and help with cell growth and DNA formation.

  1. Eggplant:

 Eggplant is one of the commonly used dishes around the world and gives a unique texture to your dishes. But at the same time, it contains few calories. It is a good source of fiber and contains 3 grams of fiber per cup and 2 grams of net carbs. Apart from fiber, it also contains minerals like potassium, folate, and manganese. Eggplants have a soluble form of fiber that can easily dissolve in the digestive tract. It helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol level.

Tips for Consuming Fiber

Fibers are essential for a healthy diet. However, there are certain precautions or tips you have to follow while consuming them. These are:

  • Drinks Lots of Water:

Although it is rare, sometimes fibers can also cause choking or constipation if you consume insufficient fluids. Therefore, whenever you consume fiber-containing food or supplements, make sure to drink plenty of water.

  • Gradually Increase Consumption:

In case you are not eating a lot of fibers, then don't consume them in a high amount. Besides, the best approach is to consume them gradually to prevent any intestinal distress.

  • Take Medication Long Before/After Fiber Supplements:

Keep in mind that a large amount of fiber can reduce the absorption of certain medications. Therefore, it is best to consume medicines either an hour before or two hours after consuming fibers.

Final Words

There is numerous top fibrous carbs food, and we have mentioned some of the top food here. If you are looking for fiber-rich food, then consume these foods to fulfill your fiber needs.


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