Can Low Vitamin D Cause Low Alkaline Phosphatase

Posted by Wen Dan Jiang on

Can Low Vitamin D Cause Low Alkaline Phosphatase?

Can low vitamin D cause low Alkaline Phosphatase? It is actually the other way around. A deficiency of vitamin D in the body can be identified through higher levels of alkaline Phosphatase. The main purpose of the Alkaline Phosphate test, in fact, is to detect diseases related to the liver and bones. In the case of vitamin D deficiency, your alkaline phosphatase level is going to elevate, rather than lowering. Therefore, the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and alkaline Phosphatase is inverse; if vitamin D goes down, alkaline Phosphatase is likely to increase, which then indicates that the body is certainly under threat for some condition related to living or bones.

What is Alkaline Phosphatase?

The human body is made up of complex compounds that are aided by a variety of chemical reactions that keep the body going. Alkaline Phosphatase is one of many kinds of enzymes that are found in the body. It is considered a significant enzyme due to its presence throughout our body, particularly in the vital systems and organs such as the digestive system, kidneys, liver, and last but not the least, our bones.

Alkaline Phosphatase is found in the bloodstream and helps in the process of breaking down proteins in the body. A distinctive feature of alkaline Phosphatase is its existence in different forms, depending on which organ or system of the body it originates in. Although the liver is mainly responsible as a major source of Alkaline Phosphatase or ALP, it is also produced in the kidneys, pancreas, bones and intestines.

When we talk about the function that alkaline Phosphatase performs in our body, it is said to be responsible for better working of the liver, gallbladder and also concerns itself with how healthy and functioning our bones are. When the levels of alkaline Phosphatase are disturbed in the body, it leads to many health conditions and diseases that may be of serious nature in case of delayed diagnosis and lack of treatment.

Alkaline phosphatase Test (ALP) for the Detection of Diseases

In order to measure the amount of alkaline phosphatase in the bloodstream, a test known as the alkaline phosphatase level test (ALP test) is conducted through a blood test, as is done with regular blood tests. The purpose is to check the levels of alkaline Phosphatase that, if higher, lead to a whole host of diseases of bones and the liver.

Symptoms of Liver & Bone Diseases that Indicate Higher ALP in the Blood

There are certain health conditions or symptoms that people experience as a result of liver damage or disease of bones. In such cases, healthcare professionals decide to take an alkaline phosphatase test in order to identify the exact issue at hand.

Here are some of the symptoms that manifest themselves, leading up to the need to carry out an ALP test:

  • Jaundice
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness and weight loss
  • Urine color turning dark and stool turning into light color.
  • Nausea
  • Frequent itching
  • Vomiting
  • Yellowing of the eyes and skin
  • Pain in joints
  • Pain in the bones
  • Bone fractures

All these symptoms indicate that a person is either suffering from a bone disorder or their liver is damaged. When symptoms like these occur, an ALP test is immediately ordered to diagnose the exact disease so that proper treatment can be initiated.

The Procedure of an ALP Test

Just like any other blood test, an alkaline phosphatase test is performed by a health care professional who takes a blood sample from one of the arms. The blood is then collected into a test tube and sent for further investigation to check the levels of alkaline Phosphatase. The whole process does not take more than five minutes, and it is not painful, except for the stinging of the needle, which is quite small and doesn't hurt much. The procedure is more or less the same; however, the blood is checked, particularly for measuring the levels of ALP in the bloodstream.

In addition to the simple yet painless procedure, the medical practitioners do not suggest any prior preparation for the test, as it is just like any other blood test as far as the procedure is concerned. Also, the testing process is safe and unlikely to hurt apart from the slight pain that is caused by the needle when it is inserted into the body.

Can Low Vitamin D Cause Low Alkaline Phosphatase?

According to medical research and evidence available on the relationship between vitamin D and alkaline Phosphatase, it shows that the deficiency of vitamin D, in fact, gives rise to alkaline Phosphatase. The assumption that low can vitamin D causes low alkaline Phosphatase; therefore, is nullified as the relationship between the two is inverse rather than direct.

In any case, the link between the two cannot be denied as vitamin D deficiency is directly linked to health conditions that concern bones, whereas elevated levels of alkaline Phosphatase are also responsible for causing various bone diseases. Therefore, the two are closely knitted and to simplify, it can be said that high alkaline levels cause diseases, whereas lower vitamin D does the same.

One thing that an ALP test helps to identify is whether the health problem has to do with the liver or if there is some bone disorder that needs to be treated. As there are several tests that are performed to check the functioning of the liver and ALP test that indicates a normal level of alkaline Phosphatase tells that the liver is in good condition. However, if any of the symptoms persist, it is more likely to assume that the problem is with bones. This is where an ALP test comes to the rescue as its high levels also indicate that vitamin D is deficient in the body, which obviously means that there is some underlying bone disorder that needs to be treated.

Diseases Caused by the Deficiency of Vitamin D

We know that low vitamin D does not cause low alkaline Phosphatase. However, vitamin D is responsible for a whole host of functions in the body, and a deficiency may lead to multiple health issues that need to be highlighted and taken care of before it leads to any serious health issue.

Vitamin D is mainly produced in the body through exposure to sunlight, which is why it is also known as the 'sunshine vitamin'. Some other chief sources of vitamin D include foods such as dairy products, grains, fish, eggs, beef liver, cheese and fish liver oil.

A deficiency of vitamin D occurs when any of the sources are not provided in a sufficient amount and leads to various diseases. Since vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body, the most adverse effect it leaves is on the bones and some other health concerns that cannot be neglected. Few health risks that are related to the deficiency of vitamin D from the body include:

  • Cancer, an extremely low level of vitamin in the body, can lead to fatal diseases such as cancer.
  • Asthma, the deficiency of vitamin D, is also linked with asthma is children.
  • Cognitive Problems Vitamin D deficient people also experience cognitive issues.
  • Cardiovascular Disease a major risk that vitamin D deficiency poses is a heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases.
  • Rickets, one of the most commonly known bone disorders rickets, is caused by dangerously low levels of vitamin D.

Final Verdict

Can low vitamin D cause low alkaline Phosphatase? Certainly not. The deficiency or low levels of vitamin D is a cause of higher alkaline Phosphatase, which is a condition that leads to the diseases of the liver and bone disorders. Studies on the way vitamin D and alkaline phosphatase influence each other show that an increase in vitamin D levels (or we may say a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body) may help in decreasing the levels of alkaline Phosphatase.

It is quite interesting to observe the integral relationship between the two compounds, out of which one is a vitamin and the other an enzyme. The sunshine vitamin, along with one of the most significant enzymes (ALP), shows that the amount of their levels is of such importance that a decrease in one could lead to an elevation in the levels of the other, which is detrimental to the human body. On the other hand, a balance in their levels ensures that the body is in good health and free from the risk of multiple health issues and chronic diseases.

We may conclude that the medical research pertaining to vitamin D and alkaline Phosphatase asserts that their levels must be balanced so that serious health issues may be prevented. In case, the levels of vitamin D lower or the levels of alkaline phosphatase increase, immediate medical assistance needs to be ensured because an uneven level of either vitamin D or ALP is an indication that something is wrong with the body and needs to be fixed at the earliest.


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