Are Vitamin D good for You (1)

Posted by Wen Dan Jiang on

What Vitamin D Is Good for

Is vitamin is good for you or not, and in which quantity is it safe to use? These are some basic questions whose answers you should know. In reality, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is present in a few foods, mostly in animal foods. Therefore, individuals go for a dietary supplement. It is also created endogenously when UV rays from sunlight hit your skin and start the vitamin D formation.

Vitamin D has numerous health benefits like it boosts calcium absorption in your gut and regulates appropriate serum calcium and phosphate concentrations. It leads to enabling healthy mineralization of bone and preventing hypocalcemic testacy. It would help if you also have vitamin D for average bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts. The inadequate level of vitamin D may cause thin or brittle bones. Its sufficient may prevent rickets in kids and osteomalacia in adults.

This vitamin also takes part in the modulation of cell development, neuromuscular and defense system function, and getting rid of inflammation.  

Here is the complete detail of what vitamin D good for!

What Is Vitamin D and How Does It Work?

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” as it is formed in your skin via UV rays. It’s a fat-soluble in the family of vitamins that comprises vitamins D-1, D-2, and D-3.

Your body forms it naturally after exposure to sunlight. You may also receive it through particular foods and pills to ensure the appropriate quantity of vitamin D in the blood.

This fat-soluble vitamin has plenty of significant functions. The most important one is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and help standard immune system mechanisms. Taking an adequate amount of vitamin D is critical for healthy growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as maintaining resistance from specific infection.

If your body has a proper level of this vitamin, you are at a higher risk of having bone abnormalities, for example, soft bones (osteomalacia) and weakened bones (osteoporosis).

Vitamin D is needed for the maintenance of the calcium mineral and phosphorus present in your body. It is also useful in regulating proper bone structure.

How Vitamin D Is Good for You

Below are the reasons why vitamin D is right for you;

  1. Improves Musculoskeletal Health

Vitamin D helps the typical structure & function of your bones and muscles. The chronic vitamin D deficiency may lead to a bone disorder like rickets that is a skeletal problem. This is due to the weakening and distortion of bone development in kids without food sources of this vitamin and low UV rays exposure. According to a study, vitamin D deficiency may also influence adults as an enhanced risk in particular kinds of fractures and forms of muscle weakness.

  1. Maintain the Brain and Nervous system

Vitamin D significantly influences the brain and nervous systems. A plethora of studies have highlighted that supplemental vitamin D can uplift your mood during the winter season when vitamin D formation from the sun is deficient. Additionally, a study recommends that deficiency in vitamin D levels may be linked with promoted sleepiness and sleep disorders.

  1. Important During Pregnancy

A recent study shows the beneficial role of vitamin D during pregnancy period. Growing pieces of evidence have displayed that during pregnancy, vitamin D may decrease the risk of a lot of pregnancy complications. So, most doctors recommend vitamin D supplements to many pregnant ladies for the proper growth of an unborn baby.

  1. Promotes Your Immunity and Respiration

You know very well that this fat-soluble vitamin has a critical role in maintaining your immune system. It may also have a significant effect on immune-related infections like acute and chronic respiratory complications. It can aid in diminishing their symptoms when they happen. For example, appropriate quantities of vitamin D during adulthood have indicated to reduce the risk of the exacerbation of chronic respiratory problems and their significant signs.

Research-based studies have indicated that pregnant females consuming 4,300 IU of vitamin D each day may decrease the risk of respiratory problems in their newborn to four-year-old kids, compared to pregnant ones who consumed just 300 IU each day.20

Different cases of seasonal respiratory complications have highlighted to be significantly lower in females consuming 700 IU.

  1. Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

Aside from the respiratory system, the study indicates that vitamin D has an integral part in the health of your cardiovascular system and also aid in decreasing the risk of several complications of your heart and blood vessels.

Researchers disclosed that regular vitamin D in taking utilizing a wide range of doses (i.e., 700 IU, 2,000 IU, 4,000 IU) reduced the stiffness of certain blood vessels after only seven weeks. Even more exciting news is that the influence of vitamin D was seen in a dose-response interrelation.

It means that as more vitamin D was consumed, more regulations or maintenance in your blood vessel structure may have seemed. So, it would help if you talk to the doctor and medical health care officials so that they may help you in determining your vitamin D requirements.

  1. Vitamin D & Metabolism

Our fat-soluble vitamin is included in plenty of metabolic processes throughout your body. Recent research shows that vitamin D may critically impact your blood sugar imbalances and metabolic issues.

Obesity is a problematic risk factor for a large number of metabolic and cardiovascular imbalances. Several studies recommend that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is higher among individuals suffering from obesity (and to a lesser level in individuals who are overweight) and people suffering from blood sugar imbalances.

There is a link between vitamin D and metabolic disorders. So, if you have a suitable amount of vitamin D in your body, it leads to a lesser risk of numerous imbalances.

Food Sources of Vitamin D

 Some foods are naturally abundant in vitamin D3. The rich sources are mainly fatty fish or fish liver oils. A little amount is also present in Egg yolks, cheese, and beef liver.

Specific mushrooms include some vitamin D2; additionally, some commercially available mushrooms have more considerable amounts of D2 because of intentionally being interacted with high quantities of sun rays. Many food items or dietary supplements are fortified with these vitamin-like dairy goods and cereals.

Below are the sources;

  • Liver oil of cod
  • Sardines
  • Swordfish
  • Trout
  • Orange juice with vitamin D
  • Dairy or plant milks fortified with vitamin D
  • Beef liver
  • Egg yolk

How Much Do You Need Vitamin D?

Normal blood serum ranges from 50 to 100 micrograms per deciliter. Relying on the blood level, you may require more vitamin D.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences highlights new suggestions depends on international units (IUs) each day. IU is a standard kind of measurement for medicines and vitamins. IUs aids in determining the suggested dose and deficiency levels for every individual.

One IU is not the same for every kind of vitamin. An IU is indicated by how much material makes an influence in your body. The prescribed IUs for vitamin D include;

  • Kid; 600 IU
  • Adults up to age 60; 600 IU
  • People over age 60; 800 IU
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding females; 600 IU


Vitamin D is a critical fat-soluble vitamin that may help fortify your bones and keep them healthy while also significantly reducing the risk of particular cancer and death from this condition for some patients. But its other influences must be further studied before nutritionists, doctors, and anyone else makes informed decisions about supplementing or enhancing dietary consumption of vitamin D.

For this time, take steps to obtain the suggested daily quantity of the nutrient via food sources, dietary capsules, and Ultraviolet rays from the sunlight. If you have any doubts that you have a vitamin D deficiency, consult your doctor about having a blood test to determine if your vitamin D level is healthy.

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