11 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

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11 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

What are 11 warning signs of magnesium deficiency? Magnesium is an important nutrient for the healthy functioning of our body. Magnesium plays a critical role in numerous body functions like muscle function, nerve function, bone formation, energy production, DNA replication, or protein synthesis.

Therefore, the deficiency of magnesium can prevent our bodies from functioning properly. But the important thing is how we can find out whether we are magnesium deficient or not. Thus, in this article, we will explain signs of magnesium deficiency.


Causes of Magnesium Deficiency

Before finding out the warning signs of magnesium deficiency, let's briefly overview the causes of magnesium deficiency. Most of the time, a low level of magnesium is associated with increased excretion of magnesium in urine or a lower level of magnesium absorption in the gut. Moreover, if you eat food that contains a low amount of magnesium for a long time, it will ultimately turn into magnesium deficiency.

Common causes of magnesium deficiency are:

  • Type II Diabetes:

If you have type II diabetes, then there are high chances that it can lead to magnesium deficiency. A high amount of glucose in the blood can cause kidneys to excrete more magnesium in the urine. Therefore, ultimately you will suffer from lack of magnesium.

  • Gastrointestinal Diseases:

Certain gastrointestinal (GI) diseases like chronic diarrhea, Crohn’s disease or Celiac diseases can prevent the gut from absorbing magnesium. And you can guess when your body is not absorbing enough magnesium; it can result in magnesium deficiency.  

  • Older People:

Usually, with age, the ability of a gut to absorb magnesium decreases; on the other hand, excretion of magnesium in the urine increases. Both of these conditions can cause low magnesium level.

  • Alcohol:

Too much alcohol dependence can also result in low magnesium absorption and excess urination. Besides, it can result in kidney impairment and liver diseases that can lead to a deficiency of magnesium.

11 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Below are the 11 warning signs of magnesium deficiency:

  1. Headaches:

Headaches can be one of the indicators of low magnesium levels. Magnesium is the necessary element for muscle relaxation and cellular function and, therefore, helps to regulate calcium levels within nerve cells. So, if you are feeling slight tension to intense migraines, check for your magnesium level.

Moreover, a low level of calcium in the body can also lead to numbness and tingling sensation throughout the body. Continuous migraines can be an indicator of low serum and tissue magnesium levels in contrast to those who don't. According to one of the study supplements containing 360 to 600 milligrams of magnesium can successfully reduce migraines by 40 percent.


  1. Muscle Pain and Cramping:

There are numerous reasons why you feel muscle pain and cramping. Sometimes the main culprit behind muscle pain is the lack of potassium. However, a low level of magnesium can also be one reason you feel pain in muscles and cramping, especially during sleep.

Muscle pain is the most visible symptom of magnesium deficiency. Lack of magnesium in the body can result in the stiffening of the muscle tissues. Consequently, you will feel awl pain and cramps. According to research, this is the symptom of severe magnesium deficiency.

  1. Fatigue:

Our cells need magnesium for the process called mitochondria to produce energy. Besides, adrenal glands also require magnesium. Therefore, when magnesium level falls, our bodies will get drained of energy. Consequently, we will feel fatigued, sluggish, and lack energy.

Moreover, keep in mind that lack of magnesium can be a result of several other medical conditions or simply due to poor diet or lack of sleep. According to a Brazilian study, an extra amount of magnesium is linked with increased endurance in athletes. Moreover, it also helps older adults against chronic diseases.  

  1. Osteoporosis:

Generally, everyone thinks that for bone strength, we only need calcium. Therefore, in case we feel any bone-related problem, we linked it with calcium deficiency. But numerous studies have shown that magnesium also plays a critical role in bone strength.

Moreover, it also builds muscles to support bones. Therefore, the deficiency of magnesium can result in poor absorption of calcium by Vitamin D. Moreover, magnesium is needed to activate the calcitonin hormone. Thus, lack of magnesium leads to conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney stones, etc.


  1. Heart Issues:

Although the heart requires a proper amount of calcium and potassium for proper contraction, however, here our body again needed magnesium. Magnesium is essential to adjust the cellular level of calcium and potassium for the contractility function. Therefore, almost half of heart attacks and heart issues are a result of magnesium deficiency.

This is one of the severe symptoms of magnesium deficiency, which can lead to calcification of arteries. Therefore, a slow, rapid, or sudden change in the heartbeats is the indicator of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is one of the crucial electrolytes for the proper functioning of the heart.

  1. High Blood Pressure:

Yes, magnesium deficiency is one of the reasons for low blood pressure. Moreover, high blood pressure can give birth to numerous other medical problems. Therefore, never let your high blood pressure unchecked for a longer time. Furthermore, magnesium is a natural and non-pharmaceutical method to lower your blood pressure.

According to Harvard research on 70,000 people, those with magnesium intake show healthier blood pressure numbers. Another study found that regular consumption of magnesium can lower the risk of hypertension up to 70 percent in women. Therefore, it is better to check your magnesium level if you suffer from high blood pressure.

  1. Sleep Disorder:

This one might be a shocking sign to many, but a low level of magnesium can actually lead to insomnia or lack of sleep. Usually, the most common reason for the lack of sleep is stress. But in case your every attempt to get a peaceful sleep failed, try to check your magnesium level.

Magnesium produces a neurotransmitter called GABA, which can relax your body for sleep. So, if you lack an adequate amount of magnesium, you can have insomnia. Magnesium is necessary for relaxing your mind and body. Keep in mind no matter what you try, but magnesium is your ultimate relaxation mineral.

  1. Depression and Anxiety:

We have already discussed this in the above paragraph that magnesium is associated with GABA production. Therefore, a low level of magnesium can lead to low GABA, which can further result in mood disorder. Changes in mood might be related to a lack of sleep. Magnesium is an overall body relaxer.

Therefore, one of the possible reasons for the depression and anxiety is magnesium deficiency. Along with calcium and glutamate, magnesium acts as a guard. So, lack of magnesium results in no guard, thus damaging neurons. So, you might feel stressed and anxious because of it.

  1. Constipation:

One of the leading indicators of overall good health is your digestive health. Therefore, any changes or irregularities in your digestive system cannot be ignored. Mostly, importantly never ignore constipation specifically. Constipation might be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Why, because magnesium helps in the bowel movements.

So, if you are suffering from constipation for a long time, see your doctor checking the magnesium level in the body. Moreover, many other digestive issues like Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s disease can prevent your body from absorbing an adequate amount of nutrients like magnesium.

  1. Diabetes:

How your body mobilizes the magnesium significantly defines sugar. Moreover, it helps in the activity and release of insulin and maintains other healthy blood glucose levels. Therefore, sometimes a low level of magnesium cannot only result in type II diabetes but can also be a warning sign.

Thus, never take your blood sugar imbalance lightly. Symptoms like mid-day fatigue, lack energy, and adrenal fatigue all are symptoms of low magnesium level. Because magnesium is a critical mineral for glucose absorption, according to a recent study by taking 100 mg of magnesium daily can reduce the risk of diabetes by 15 percent.


  1. Cognitive Delays:

Cognitive delays or you can say brain fog, show a low level of magnesium in the body. Therefore, magnesium deficiency can cause difficulty with concentration and memory. If you feel your mind is foggy these days and it is difficult to concentrate, check your magnesium level.

Magnesium is one of the critical nutrients for the brain as it helps regulate calcium for neurons. Thus without magnesium the brain cannot function well and properly.

Remedy for Magnesium Deficiency

One of the best and most natural remedies for magnesium deficiency is to eat foods rich in magnesium. There are numerous magnesium supplements in the market, but try to use magnesium-rich foods for better results. Foods rich in magnesium include:

  • Green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, etc.
  • Fruits
  • Nuts and grains like almonds, cashews, and walnuts.
  • Beans and lenticels
  • Dark chocolate
  • Grains like rice and oats
  • Pumpkins

Final Words

Many people suffer from magnesium deficiency, but they don't know about it. Therefore, among these 11 warning signs of magnesium deficiency, you find some of them go to see your doctor for a proper checkup.  


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