Yoga for Weight Loss for Beginners

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Yoga for Weight Loss for Beginners

What are some effective yogas for weight loss for beginners? Weight loss is considered one of the most significant issues of modern times. Every one out of three people is suffering from obesity. As a result of which people are actively seeking ways to lose weight.

This is where the name of yoga came. Numerous researches have shown that yoga is excellent for losing weight. For thousands of years, yoga exists and is an effective way for weight loss. Therefore, here we will explain some effective yogas for weight loss for beginners style='background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;font-size:13pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";font-style:normal'>.

Is Yoga Good for Weight Loss?

When it comes to weight loss, we knew that there are several forms of exercises and workouts for weight loss. Consequently, people get confused and ask questions like can we lose weight through yoga or are yoga really good for weight loss. The answer is yes. Yoga is an effective and easy way to lose fat, shed an extra pound, and get into shape.

The best thing about yoga is you can healthily lose weight, and it also provides several other health benefits. To increase the effectiveness of yoga for weight loss, it is better to combine it with good eating habits. Yoga can result in increased mindfulness and how one sees their bodies. As a result of which you will turn to consuming healthy food.

To lose weight, you have to focus on two main things keenly; one is healthy eating habits while the other one is exercise. And the good thing is yoga demands both of these things. Keep in mind that yoga is about poses for weight loss, but it also demands healthy eating. Apart from weight loss benefits, yoga also gives numerous other health benefits. These include:

  • Improving flexibility
  • Balanced metabolism
  • Improvement in heart health
  • Increase in energy and vitality
  • Improved respiration
  • Better athletic health
  • Weight loss
  • Toning and strengthening muscles
  • Stress management

Everyone is familiar with the devastating effect of stress on the mind and body. It reveals itself in the form of pain, anxiety, lack of concentration, and insomnia. Several studies have shown that stress is one of the proponents in the weight gain process. However, yoga helps to relieve stress, and thus it also reduces the chances of weight gain in the future due to stress. Moreover, it maintains both the physical and mental health of a person. And lastly, the main reason for the effectiveness of yoga in weight loss is due to its ability to burn body fat into lean muscles.

7 Best Yoga for Weight Loss for Beginners 

Below are the 7 best yogas for weight loss for beginners:

  1. Downward Facing Dog Pose:

Downward facing dog pose is one of the best yoga poses for weight loss, especially for shoulders and arms. It also targets backs, calves, and hamstrings. It is a great weight loss pose for beginners because it doesn't go overly fast. Moreover, it can also help to improve concentration and blood circulation.

How to Perform:

To perform this effective weight loss yoga pose, you need to follow these steps:

  • Start by lying down on the mat on your stomach. Make sure that your knees are hip-width apart while hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  • Now curl your toes onto the mat and push your hands and toes.
  • It's time to pull your belly and lift your hip into the air. Whereas at the same time, straighten your legs to form a downward-facing dog pose.
  • Lastly, spread your toes and lift your heel to come onto the balls of feet. Whereas at the same time, pull your belly towards the spine.

Keep in mind to hold this position for at least 5 breaths.

  1. Warrior Pose:

Next in the list is the warrior pose, which can tone your shoulders and thighs. Besides, it can also help to improve concentration. There are different warrior poses, but in this section, we will discuss warrior II pose for weight loss.

How to Perform:

Its steps are:

  • Stand firmly on your feet with your feet together.
  • Now stretch your legs back and forth.
  • Take a step with your right leg and bend your knee to make a 90-degrees angle while keeping your left leg straight.
  • Then raise your hands overhead and hold this position for as much as you can.

Once you are done, change the position to the other leg. Warrior II pose can improve your balance and tone your legs, back, and arms.

  1. Triangle Pose:

Triangle pose or Trikonasana can help you build more muscle while it will burn fat simultaneously. It can help to improve digestion and reduce fat deposition in the belly. Although the triangle pose looks easy to achieve, you cannot achieve your target without a proper form.

How to Perform:

To perform this pose effectively, its steps are:

  • Stand on the floor firmly with your hands over the head.
  • Then widen your legs on both sides.
  • It’s time to stretch you down on one side to touch feet with hands.
  • Make sure that your upper hand should be straight towards the ceiling while your lower hand touches the feet.

Stay in this position for at least 5 to 6 seconds and then return to the starting point. Once you are done with the other side, repeat the same pose on the other side.

  1. Cobra Pose:

Cobra pose will target your back, chest, and spine. This pose is quite similar to the snake pose and helps reduce fat from your upper body and abdominal muscles.

How to Perform:

It consists of simple and easy steps, which are:

  • Lie on the mat with your stomach down. Keep your feet flat on the floor while your palms down to either side.
  • Now slowly press the floor with your hands to rise while making sure that your hands are just below the shoulders.
  • Make sure your hip, hands, and feet are firmly on the floor and raise only your upper torso, whereas tucking your stomach towards the spine.
  • At that point, your chin should be upward.

Hold this position for a few seconds before returning to the starting point. Moreover, exhale when lifting your torso.

  1. Boat Pose:

The next yoga pose in the list is the boat pose, which requires strong abs to hold yourself up. To avoid injuries, make sure to keep your legs and back straight during this position. This yoga pose is good for your abs and core. During pose for balance, keep your gaze on your feet or the wall behind you.

How to Perform:

To perform this effective weight loss yoga pose, you need to follow these steps:

  • Sit on the yoga mat and extend your legs.
  • Now bend your knees and lift your feet from the floor while keeping your spine parallel to the floor.
  • Then extend your hands as well, making them parallel to the floor.

Hold his position for at least 30 seconds. For best results, try to repeat this posture for five times. In case you have insomnia, or spinal injuries, avoid this yoga pose.

  1. Sun Salutation:

Unlike many people, sun salutation not only warms up your muscles but it also helps to improve blood circulation. It targets most of the major muscles in your body, trims the waist, stimulates the digestive system, enhances and balances metabolism, and tone arms. It's a complete package for good health and is the best way to lose weight.

How to Perform:

Its steps include:

  • Stand tall and inhale deeply to lift your arms upward.
  • Now bend in the forward direction while exhaling.
  • Then jump on your feet into plank position and hold it for around five breaths.
  • In the next step, drop your knees down and place your lower body to the floor.
  • Stretch your legs while keeping your hands under the shoulder.
  • Then inhale while going into cobra pose. And in halfway switch to dog facing pose while exhaling.
  • Now jump on your feet and bend.

Then exhale to relax.

  1. Chair Pose:

As indicated by its name, you have to make a pose like you are sitting on a chair. This yoga pose specifically targets your thigh muscles, thus reducing extra fat in this area. This pose is much similar to the squat and targets quads, hamstrings, and calves.

How to Perform:

To perform chair pose follow these steps:

  • Start by standing straight on your legs and move your arms straight up overhead.
  • Now bend your knees simultaneously until you see your feet while looking down in this posture.
  • Stay in this position for a minimum of 30 seconds.

Then relax and repeat the same posture. For additional benefits, you can also pose like a twisted chair to make it more challenging.

Final Words

Yoga is one of the best, easy, and simple ways to reduce fat, especially for beginners. We have mentioned some of the best yoga poses which anyone can try to lose weight. Moreover, these poses are so simple and easy that even a beginner and an amateur person can do them with ease.


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